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Voltage, Current, Resistance and Ohm's Law

Monday, 21 October 2013

Voltage, Current, Resistance and Ohm's Law
When electrons are separated from atoms – either through friction (eg, static electricity), chemical reaction (eg, a battery), electromagnetism or other phenomenon – an electrical field is formed, consisting of two oppositely charged terminals, and an associated “tension” or “pressure” between them.
The measure of this “tension” or “pressure” is known as voltage.

Atomic Structure

Atomic Structure.....
The atom is a basic unit of matter, consisting of a central nucleus (containing positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons), and surrounded by negatively charged electrons which move in 1 or more orbital “shells” around the nucleus.
For example, consider a carbon atom:

The number of protons in a nucleus is the atomic number, and defines the type of element the atom forms. Thus, carbon has an atomic number of 6.The number of neutrons in a nucleus determines the isotope of an element. For example, carbon-12 has 6 protons and 6 neutrons, while carbon-14 has 6 protons and 8 neutrons.
Most matter is said to be electrically “neutral”, since the #electrons = #protons. (Ions are atoms which are not neutral – ie, they have either gained or lost electrons).
An atom may have multiple electron “orbital shells”. In the case of carbon, the first shell contains 2 electrons, and the second shell contains 4 electrons.

A group of atoms may remain “bound” to each other, forming a molecule.

Binary Addition

The process for adding binary numbers is the same in any number system, except that you must be aware of when (and what) to “carry”.
In the decimal system, a carry occurs when the sum of 2 digits is 10 or more.  For example,

The Binary Number System.......

The Binary Number System..
The binary number system is a special code that the computer uses for representing numeric data. Numeric data is any value that can be used for mathematical operations such as addition and subtraction. This code is completely different than the ASCII system, except that only 1s and 0s are used.
For example, consider the code 01001010. In the ASCII system, this represents the letter “J”. However, in the binary number system, this represents the number 74.

ASCII and Unicode.............

ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
About the same time that IBM was developing EBCDIC, a group of engineers from the American Standards Association were developing another code for representing character data.  The result was ASCII - the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. 
ASCII used 7 bits to represent characters, giving 128 possible symbols.
Here is the original ASCII table from 1963.  Like EBCDIC, the grey areas represent non-printable control keys (Esc, Del, Backspace, etc.), as well as special characters used in data transmission.

To find the ASCII code for a particular character,
  1. Locate the character in the table (for example, "J")
  2. Write down the three "Low Order" bits on the left side of the table directly across from the character (for "J", they are 100).
  3. Write down the four "High Order" bits at the top of the table, directly above the character (for "J", they are 1010).


BCD - Binary Coded Decimal
Early mainframe computers in the 1950s were programmed using numeric codes, not text.  As a result, the first coding system used in these computers only needed to represent the ten digits in our number system.  The BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) system used 4 bits to represent numbers as follows:

Therefore, to represent the number 253, the computer would store 0010 0101 0011.

Digital vs. Binary Data

Digital vs. Binary Data....
Humans use numbers that contain only ten different digits – 0 thru 9. The Latin prefix for ten is “dec”, hence, our number system is known as decimal.
Numeric values inside any electronic device are stored using only 2 distinct values – 1 and 0. The Latin prefix for two is “bi”, hence, the number system used inside electronic devices is known as binary).
For example,

Digital vs. Analog

Digital vs. Analog
Modern electronic devices - computers, video game consoles, cell phones, iPods, etc. - all store data in digital format.
Digital data gets its name from the fact that almost any type of data in an electronic device - characters, images, video and sound - can be broken down into smaller parts and given numeric (or "digital") values.
For example,

The Second Generation: 1956 to 1963...

Transistors were invented in 1947 as an alternative to vacuum tubes for use as electronic switches.  At first they were more expensive (transistor = $8 vs. vacuum tube = 75¢).  However, by the mid 1950s they had decreased significantly in price and size, and began to see widespread use in radios, televisions - and computers.
The transistor was far superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers to become smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient and more reliable than their first-generation predecessors.  Although the transistor still generated a great deal of heat and still required massive amounts of wiring, it was a vast improvement over the vacuum tube.

 One of the most successful second generation computers was the IBM 1401, which was introduced in 1959.  By 1964, IBM had installed more than one hundred thousand units (which could be rented for $2,500 / month), capturing about one third of the world market.

Researchers at the University of Southern California’s

Researchers at the University of Southern California’s ICT Graphics Lab have created a new type of holographic display that can generate simultaneous 3D views for multiple observers without the need for special glasses. 

history of battery ...

Battery History

Batteries have been around longer than you may think. In 1938, archaeologist Wilhelm Konig discovered some peculiar clay pots while digging at Khujut Rabu, just outside of present-day Baghdad, Iraq. The jars, which measure approximately 5 inches (12.7 centimeters) long, contained an iron rod encased in copper and dated from about 200 B.C.

Not Nokia : Its Newkia who is going to Launch Android Mobiles soon...

Not Nokia : Its Newkia who is going to Launch Android Mobiles soon..

Not Nokia : Its Newkia who is going to Launch Android Mobiles soon:
One of the most intriguing question
that Bloggers, CEO’s, Webmasters
keep asking to each other that when
Nokia is going to launch android
smartphones. Everyone is eagerly
waiting for Nokia to make phones
with Android as their OS.

Email in your eye?

Sunday, 20 October 2013

 Email in your eye? Next-generation video screen glasses could lay messages or GPS over your field of vision..

Translucent TV: Lumus' PD-18-2 is a set of spectacles that can beam high-quality images directly into your eyes but allows the user to see through the images too

As advances in computer technology make gadgets ever smaller and more portable the idea of carrying a screen of any kind could soon be outdated. 
Consumer products with screens have dropped in size from computer to laptop to tablet via phone.

Will touch drive Microsoft Surface sales or will Surface drive touch..

The demo applications Microsoft has shown so far for its Surface touch-tabletop system --for  ordering drinks, sharing photos by dragging them and finger painting -- have left me cold. 
But at the Consumer Electronics Show this week, Microsoft is discussing and demonstrating some different Surface application prototypes that seem somewhat more compelling. 

During his CES keynote, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates showed off a snowboard-customization demo that indicates the kinds of interactive retail applications which might shine on Surface multi-touch systems. Microsoft issued some talking points about the demo, claiming it "provides a clear solution to common consumer pain points," including (according to Microsoft):
  • being overwhelmed by choices
  • not having enough information
  • can’t make it yours
  • want to share it with friends
"The (Surface snowboard) application showcases the four key attributes of a surface computer including; multi-touch, object recognition, direct interaction and multi-user," said an e-mail message sent to me by the Surface team.
Microsoft also is highlighting at this week's CES show a "wine-bar demo application." This app looks similar to the drink and food ordering application Microsoft has been showing off for the past few months during public Surface demos. But there's one new element I hadn't seen before that is more educational. Tags on customers' wine glasses, when placed on the Surface tabletop, call up a map of the region from which the wine originates. The touch-activated map can provide all kinds of additional details about the vinters, the grapes, the climate, etc. For those who listened closely to Gates' Sunday night keynote, there was a hint that gaming and office-productivity applications are in the pipeline for a Surface "desk," "meeting room table" or other kinds of future Surface systems, as well. From the transcript of Gates' remarks:
Gates and others at Microsoft are still betting big on natural user interfaces -- touch, speech, gestures -- as being the keys to the input kingdom. Supposedly, these input modes were going to take off during the "first digital decade." But Tablet PCs didn't take hold at anywhere near the rates he predicted.
While touch and speech will no doubt take off on cell phones and on-board auto systems, I admit I'm still am a doubter about how quickly or well they'll be adopted by PC users. Call me a Luddite, but if the Surface had a keyboard, I'd definitely prefer it over touch or speech.
What's your take on the Surface? Will touch technology drive the Surface? Or will Surface finally get more Microsoft users to make use of non-keyboard-based input technologies?
abut Microsoft

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Top 5 Funny Google Tricks

Top 5 Funny Google Tricks 

 Hello friends today,.as we all know google is the best search engine in the world that provide imformation related to our problem. I am going to show you some funny and amazing tricks that you can do with google and share it with your friends as all tricks are simple to implement and interesting to see effect on google.

Google Driverless Car

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Information Technology It

I could still remember the day I watch the iRobot as a teen, and being skeptical about my brother’s statement that one day, the driverless car will become reality. And it’s now a reality, made possible by… a search engine company, Google.

Smartphones Evolution

Information Technology It

Smartphones Evolution.....
The world’s first smartphone hit the market on August 16, 1994. Its name was Simon and was produced by IBM. 

Do you know this ?

Information Technology It

Do you know this ?
The Apple logo is based on the Fibonacci series.

Li-Fi tecnology

Friday, 18 October 2013

Information Technology It

           Is a label for wireless-communication systems using light as a carrier instead of traditional radio frequencies as in wifi ...

History of the Microprocessor


Information Technology It

History of the Microprocessor...

Introduction ..

A microprocessor is one of the most central parts of a modern personal computer or, in fact, any advanced computer device. It integrates the functions of a central processing unit , the portion of a computer responsible for carrying out programmed instructions, onto a single integrated circuit that couples the important thinking devices of the machine with the electrical infrastructure needed to support them. Microprocessor design is able to incorporate a tremendous amount of processing power in a very small space. 

This is a 5MB Hard drvie 1956


Information Technology It

This is a 5MB Hard Disk, the Best 1956

ust to remind you how far we’ve come technologically, this is a 5 MB hard disc from 1956. It weighs over a ton. The hard disc was originally part of the IBM 305 RAMAC........

The first computer

Information Technology It

The first computer was made in 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) contained 18,000 vacuum tubes, it was 30 tons heavy and occupied the space of 154 m2.

NanoTechnology and the Fight Against Terrorism

What is Nano Technology?
                                                  Nano Technology involves development of materials (and even complete systems) at the atomic, molecular, or macromolecular levels in the dimension range of
approximately 1-500 nanometers.Some materials will contain “nano-sensors” that have the potential to transmit a variety of information, including location, about chemical agents and other bio hazards.Read more…only in Directions Magazine
Here we examine an emerging technology that has the promise to become core to Homeland Security.We will look at the role Nano Technology will have in the fight against terrorism.

Information Technology It
NanoTechnology involves development of materials (and even complete systems) at the atomic, molecular, or macromolecular levels in the dimension range of approximately 1-500 nanometers.Current research looks to provide detailed understanding of unique properties that materials exhibit at the NanoScale.Current focus of the research is positioned to create and use structures, devices, and systems that have unique and often contradictory properties as well as enhanced functions because of their small and/or intermediate size.NanoTechnology research and development includes control at the Nano Scale and integration of Nano Scale structures into larger material components, systems, and architectures as well as automated systems for the production of Nano Materials and the automatic assembly of structures and systems.
History of Nano Technology
Nano Technology first gained recognition after Nobel Laureate, Richard Feynman, presented his talk, "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom" to the American Physical Society in 1959.Activity surrounding Nano Technology began to slowly increase over the next few decades.In 1988, Eric Drexler taught the first course on Nano Technology.In that program, he suggested the possibility of nano sized objects that were self-replicating. Slow growth in this area of scientific investigation continued.The next major milestone was when Rice University Professor Richard Smalley won the 1996 Nobel Prize for discovering a new form of carbon: a molecule of sixty carbon atoms (referred to as C60).Today C60 has become one of a growing number of building blocks for a new class of nano sized materials.
The advancements in Nano Technology really began to accelerate in the late 1990s.NanoTechnology captured the thoughts and imagination of scientists and venture capitalists after an entire issue of Scientific American addressed the promise of this new technology.
Current State of NanoTechnology
Research into NanoMaterials spans a significant spectrum of areas. Advanced material companies are producing innovative products in areas such as coatings, industrial powders, chemicals, and carbon nanotubes. Today, real world application of Nano Technology exists in commercial business. About two-dozen serious applications of Nano Materials and process have been fielded ranging from non-scuff floor tile to high strength brackets for running boards on vehicles to high temperature protective materials for spacecraft.While Nano Materials are a significant portion of today's focus, several other areas are equally as promising.

Trends & Impact of NanoTechnology
NanoTechnology has the potential to become a more significant revolutionary force for business than the industrial revolution or the information technology revolution.In fact, many believe that the combined impact of both the industrial and information revolution may approach the magnitude of change that could result from the commercialization of NanoTechnology.Currently, NanoTechnology is moving from the basic research stage of its evolution into the applied research stage of technology maturity.Today there are several NanoTechnology companies already being traded on the public marketplace. As this technology evolves and matures, you can expect to see many more companies enter this space.
Today's manufacturing methods are very crude at the molecular level. Casting, grinding, milling, and even lithography move atoms in mass.It is like trying to make things out of LEGO blocks with boxing gloves on your hands.Yes, you can push the LEGO blocks into great heaps and pile them up; but you cannot really snap them together the way you would like.

RAM - random access memory

Information Technology It

RAM - random access memory

RAM (pronounced ramm) is an acronym for random access memory, a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly; that is, any byte of memory can be accessed without touching the preceding bytes. RAM is the most common type of memory found in computers and other devices, such as printers.....

Android 4.4 KitKat Information Technology It

Android 4.4 KitKat

While Google hasn’t announced anything yet

Information Technology It Pic of the day

Pic of the day

Is your antivirus really working and protecting your PC? . Information Technology It

Is your antivirus really working and protecting your PC?
Check your antivirus strength here

The transfer speed .. Information Technology It

The transfer speed between the eye and the brain is 8.75 megabits of data per second. That's about 190,000 times slower than the latest Intel Atom processor.

WIFI... ( Wireless Fidelity) Information Technology It

( Wireless Fidelity) is a brand originally licensed by the Wi-Fi Alliance to describe the underlying technology of wireless local area networks (WLAN) based on the IEEE 802.11 specifications.

Google makes.. Information Technology It

Information Technology It 
Google makes more money from iPhone users than Android users. ..............

Ring topology . Information Technology It

Ring topology
Alternatively referred to as a ring network,.....

Information Technology It

hree decades after Apple's Macintosh was born,.....

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